Robert Lyn Nelson

Robert Lyn Nelson

What began as an unexplainable, undeniable drive to draw beginning at age three, has propelled Robert Lyn Nelson into a very elite minority of distinguished artists who defy categorization, having extensive bodies of work across all styles of painting & sculpture.

Describing Robert Lyn Nelson is a daunting task, for a mere label is insufficient to capture the depth and range of his artistic expression. With consummate ease, he navigates between mediums, from the precision of charcoal to the fluidity of paint, seamlessly transitions between Abstract to Realism, Cubism to Impressionism, and beyond. 

Pablo Picasso, Gerhard Richtor, and David Hockney, known for their versatility and considerable artistic range, continue to inspire Nelson to create works without limitations. He believes creativity is boundless and artists shouldn’t be limited in any way when it comes to expressing themselves through art.

Robert is tirelessly devoted and dedicated to perfecting new techniques – his expansive body of work contains more than 11,000 paintings, drawings and sculpture – distinguishing him as one of the most prolific artists in the modern world.


“Two Worlds,” the first piece of artwork to ever depict views above and below the ocean surface launched Robert’s career and inspired an important new school of art, Environmental Surrealism. He has received world acclaim for pioneering the Modern Marine Art Movement. With his explorative approach to art and a penchant for pushing boundaries, he continues to evolve through different categories. 

A passionate conservationist, and considered a visual activist, he has raised millions of dollars for non-profit environmental organizations. Robert has dedicated his life’s efforts to building concern, and more importantly inspiring a call-to-action to protect nature & animals through his art. The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, which he co-founded along with Jean-Michel Cousteau, remains steadfast in its mission to preserve the health of the ocean for generations to come. 


The Beatles Tribute Series, inspired by the iconic rock band, is a testament to Robert’s artistic versatility. He captures the essence of each melody, echoing the era of psychedelic rock in the 60s with vibrant colors, imaginative compositions, and mystic references. His artistic prowess is evident in his ability to translate music into visuals, allowing us a glimpse into his surreal world. 

Robert’s artwork is thoroughly magic. It takes you into a different realm and allows you to move through time. It’s not confined to a style or a technique. It’s Robert taking what moves him in life and letting his paintbrushes do the rest.

It’s the day-to-day discipline and unwavering obsession with art that allowed him to push boundaries and create art that defies labeling. His ability to evolve into an artist that defies labels is a testament to his passion. His creative spirit remains unyielding. He is poised to continue reimagining art with each new brushstroke.

The distortions of the world around him has led to increasing surrealistic elements that have added a complex dream-like dimension to Robert’s visionary art and ignited existing and new admirers.

No artist of his generation has awakened the world to such visual complexity and beauty. Many say art is hope, each completed work by Robert Lyn Nelson is hope for a better world.

It is the intimate way Robert’s work moves his viewers that makes him so desirable to collectors in all categories.



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