Bernie Taupin

Bernie Taupin


BERNIE TAUPIN is a lifelong visual artist. In the early 1990’s, painting became the main thrust of his creative endeavors. In his early work, Taupin was inspired by groundbreaking Abstract Expressionists including Hans Hoffman, Franz Kline, Anselm Kiefer, and Robert Rauschenberg.

Taupin says, “As in any creative field, we start by emulating work we like, following the path that ultimately leads to finding our own vision, a style we feel is original and unique in its own beliefs, on its own merits.”

Taupin’s artwork evolved from Ab-Ex explorations to a level of self identitfication followed by experimentations with text-based content and minimalist Pop Art concepts. By 2016 and 2017, works become sculptural constructions off and through the canvas and bound with cord and wire. Expressing with found objects and repurposed material and artifacts. Taupin’s multi-layered creations include manipulated flags, scorched paper, wax, wire, wood, corrugated cardboard, fabric, bubble wrap, and resin.

“The imagination is the most powerful tool artists possess enabling us to conjure up beautiful distraction for the eyes and ears.

My dimensional work is simply the visual extension of what I have spent my life creating through words.”




Bernie Taupin’s star-studded art exhibition

Lady Victoria Hervey joined Kiefer Sutherland and a whole host of stars at lyricist Bernie Taupin’s art exhibition in London on Friday.

Bernie, who is known for his work with Elton John, is making his debut as a visual artist at the Images Gallery in Central London. The event saw him unveil a unique exhibition of collaborative art, re-imagining the photographs of his friend for five decades, Terry O’Neill, entitled: Called Taupin and O’Neill: Two Sides of the ’60.

The very private star told The Guardian in a rare interview: ‘I’m by no means Greta Garbo, but I couldn’t do the kind of things that he [Elton] does. He’s probably one of the most identifiable characters in the world and it’s tough to live in that bubble. I couldn’t do that.

He revealed that when he works on his art he enjoys listening to jazz but avoids his own songs: ‘I think you have to be of a certain ego to sit around listening to your own.’



Elton John lyricist Bernie Taupin to stage first UK visual art show

Artist discusses reworking famous 60s images, and why he ‘couldn’t do the kind of things’ Rocket Man does.They are one of the most successful songwriting duos in pop music, but while the musician Elton John is the ultimate flamboyant showman, the lyricist Bernie Taupin has always preferred to be out of the spotlight.However Taupin, who has been writing songs with John for more than half a century, will now take center stage – as a visual artist – with his first UK exhibition taking place next month at the Iconic Images gallery in central London.

In a rare interview, he told the Guardian: “I’m by no means Greta Garbo, but I couldn’t do the kind of things that he [John] does. He’s probably one of the most identifiable characters in the world and it’s tough to live in that bubble. I couldn’t do that.

“He’s absolutely exemplary at it, but I like to be able to go to the market on my own and go and get my coffee in the morning. I keep very much to myself. I’m a very private person. I don’t enjoy celebrity that much,” he added.



American Anthem Art Exhibition

Bernie Taupin has been a lifelong creative. Born 1950 and raised in rural northern England, his childhood playground was among the open fields inhabited by crumbling castles and ancient Roman ruins. His imagination was unleashed by heroic British poetry and the renowned classics of Alfred Lloyd Tennyson and Lord Byron recited to him by his bohemian mother and Cambridge professor grandfather. 

Consequently, a talent for storytelling emerged in his teenage years, first in poetic form, and eventually led to written song lyrics. This unique ability served him well and set him on a path to achieve worldwide recognition as a lyricist, whereas even today, Bernie Taupin is most often recognized for his fifty-year partnership with Sir Elton John. 

Bernie Taupin’s visual art explorations began at age 20 when on his first visit to America he discovered the works of Hans Hoffman, Willem De Kooning , and particularly Anselm Kiefer in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. 

Bernie Taupin, “American Anthem,” exhibition is not about his music. The exhibition presents the anthem of a life of vision, reflection and expression. 

The Museum of Biblical Art | National Center for Jewish Art is pleased and honored to present Mr. Taupin’s first major museum exhibition. The impressive collection of nearly 50 unique painting and sculpture works has been assembled from the past 20 years of his creative output. As an immigrant and for decades a US citizen living on his ranch in California, his story-telling is expressed using American flag fragments in works including, “The Currency Of Denial Is Not Accepted”, “Home on the Range”, “I don’t play no rock ‘n roll.” Artworks formed from his life experiences in Abstract Expressionism, Americana and Judo-Christian philosophies are seen in “Acoustic Calvary” and “American Faith.” His history and passion for American Roots Music including bluegrass and country Western include “Mother Maybelle'' and “Texas Lightnin’.” 

Exclusive for the museum, Taupin created a massive wall installation, 25’ x 12’ entitled “THE WALL” based on his iconic “Sleeping Beauty” series, with multiple metaphorical implications in his unique storytelling reflections. On comparing his music writings and his visual art, Bernie Taupin states, “ music and art is an eventual collision … each emerges from the same internal place …” “My dimensional work is simply the visual extension of what I have spent my life creating through words.” Curator and Art Historian Scott Peck: “Bernie Taupin is emerging as one of the great American contemporary artists that speaks to popular culture, teaching us to appreciate our country, enlighten us on our musical heritage and cherish democracy.” 


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